ADCR - AD Council of Rochester
ADCR stands for AD Council of Rochester
Here you will find, what does ADCR stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate AD Council of Rochester? AD Council of Rochester can be abbreviated as ADCR What does ADCR stand for? ADCR stands for AD Council of Rochester. What does AD Council of Rochester mean?AD Council of Rochester is an expansion of ADCR
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Alternative definitions of ADCR
View 2 other definitions of ADCR on the main acronym page
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- AMG Affiliated Media Group
- AGS Auto Glass Shop
- ADL Aidan Design LLC
- ASAP Asylum Support Appeals Project
- AS The Apprentice Store
- AUMA A.U. Marketing Agencies
- ABS Argentina Business Services
- AWSP AW Studio Paris
- AG The Arlington Group
- AGII Afka Group International Inc
- AMC Ace Mentor Chicago
- ACFC Atlantic City Football Club
- ABC Ascension Brewing Co
- AAI Australian Advocacy Institute
- ATL Algiz Technology Limited
- ACM Avantgarde Communication Management